
More than soup

The Manna Soup Kitchen opened its doors at its new location at 1100 Avenida del Sol on Dec. 6 and operators say its been thriving ever since. Director and inspirational leader, Kim Workman, said she employs 150 volunteers and feeds 80 to 90 people a day. Open Monday through Friday, Manna serves lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Everybody is welcome to come and volunteer or enjoy a warm meal, Workman said.

(mouse over photos for captions)

The Manna Soup Kitchen depends on support from local restaurants, grocery stores and individuals, like this donated  fruit.

Steve Ulery arrived early for fresh pastries, coffee and tea.

Volunteer Donna Bowles slices up the contents for Monday's fruit salad.



11-year-old Erica Dittmer, of Houston, helps make sandwiches during her spring break visit to Durango.

The Manna Soup Kitchen mascot protects his dairy supply.

Manna Soup Kitchen Director Kim Workman, left, gathers the troops before the lunch rush.






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