Our letters
section and your opportunity to weigh in and be heard. Send
us your thoughts and profundities. You can contact us here.
one on: Mike Paterniti tries his luck on the Animas River
on Monday./Photo by Todd Newcomer.
In defense of Dave
Dear editors:
Dave Stephenson is a Native American writer who lives in Durango.
He was one of my fellow students and a fellow Fort Lewis College
employee before he graduated. He is a widely published newspaper
columnist and short story author who consistently condemns injustices
perpetrated toward Native Americans in his work. I’ve
seen his work in both U.S. and Canadian publications.
As a Kiowa Indian woman, I celebrate and support his skilled
writing and his messages.
And as a Kiowa Indian woman, I agree that sometimes Euroamerican
radical feminists can be a little self-interested and aggressive,
and they exercise a disproportionate amount of media control.
The fact that both the Telegraph and Fort Lewis College Independent
have black-balled him seems to prove the accuracy of his fears:
that often radical feminists are opposed to free speech and
free press and stifle those with whom they disagree.
And the irony of the Telegraph’s letter policy, which
states, “we’ll print damn near anything,”
juxtaposed with the statement that “Dave Stephenson will
be barred from further participation in the Telegraph’s
letter section” is an irony and contradiction that has
probably been noted by many of your other readers.
Durango media should be proud to have a Native American writer
who has been published across the continent, in their town.
Instead, Durango media are condemning him because of ideological
– Amanda Kershner,
Fort Lewis College employee and student
Overqualified and unemployed
Dear editors and employers of Durango:
In regards to your unemployment article, I’d like to
know who Mr. Lieb considers unemployable? Would it be someone
like me, who is 25, overqualified, female and pregnant? I’ve
suffered the low wages of Durango just like everyone else and
couldn’t be more tired of it. I know business owners need
customers to make money, but do they realize that well-paid
employees make happy and loyal employees? I am six months pregnant
and a massage therapist. Business is slow, and so I’ve
been on the prowl for the past two months looking for
a part-time job. The result? Sorry, we can’t hire you
because you are pregnant, and you will be giving birth when
the busy season starts. This is illegal. If an employer needs
help now, then why can’t they hire me? Unfortunately,
my boyfriend now supports our household, and it’s hard
with Durango wages. I guess I’m what Mr. Lieb considers
– Liz Potter, Durango
Fighting for Freedom?
Dear editors:
I am not a pacifist nor am I for peace at any cost, but I feel
that at all costs we owe it to our servicemen and women and
the Iraqis, to exhaust every avenue for a peaceful resolution,
or to at least let the inspections work. The eight years’
worth of inspections after the Persian Gulf war were responsible
for vastly more disarmament than the war itself. The lesson
from this is that inspections work and need to be given the
time and resources to work again. With no credible evidence
to the contrary, the military and security analysts don’t
think that Saddam is a threat to our nation, and his neighbors
don’t have any great fear of his puny regime. While Saddam
is a bad man, the charges against Iraq are trumped up and do
not justify a unilateral, preemptive, invasion costing Iraqi
and American lives. In all probability, tens of thousands of
lives will be lost in a best-case scenario. In the end, lives
lost may be the least of our worries. The damage caused by adopting
the “preemptive invasion” policies that the Nazis
utilized in their quest for world domination, and losing the
moral high ground, are what will ultimately undermine any greatness
our nation aspires to. When our most decorated veterans, warriors
and generals, from Norman Schwartzkopf to Wesley Clark, oppose
unilateral war on Iraq, perhaps this administration should listen.
When FBI and CIA analysts warn against an invasion because it
will spawn a large-scale upsurge of terrorist retribution for
years to come, perhaps we should listen.
What scares me worse than Saddam or even Osama (what ever happened
to bringing Osama to justice?), is how this administration has
used our fear to pass legislation (the Patriot Act I and now
Attorney General John Ashcroft is pushing for Patriot Act II)
that takes away the basic freedoms this country was founded
on. The terrorists have won by default when we willingly give
up the freedoms that have made this country great and the envy
of the world for more than 200 years. I believe that this world
has become more dangerous for Americans. But we don’t
correct that by being a bully on the world stage. We don’t
correct it by giving away our freedom. Why is it that every
time this administration loses popular support, it runs crying
“wolf” under the guise of contrived terror alerts
and bangs the drums for war? The powers that be tell us that
the terror alerts should not change our behavior – by
all means travel and spend money, just be alert (read “scared”)
and let us take care of you. These terror alerts, then, have
no other purpose than to scare the public and con us into willingly
giving up freedoms so we will be “safe” and accept
the inevitability of war...a war that will not end but simply
have the marquee changed from “War on Osama” to
“War on Saddam” to “War on Iran” to
“War on North Korea.” The world is not a safe place,
and no amount of war, or lack of freedom will change that. For
perspective, in 2001 you were 15 times more likely to die in
a motor vehicle accident than at the hands of terrorists.
In 1759, Ben Franklin said, “They that can give up essential
liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither
liberty nor safety.” What act of patriotism is greater
than assuming the risk of living in a free society? It takes
an unshakable belief in our system to accept that those precepts
in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, which have protected
our freedoms for more that 200 years, are worth the risk of
potentially being a target of terrorism. When you take away
those freedoms, then there is nothing left to believe in or
fight for. As a Patriot, I am personally willing to risk my
life if it means preserving our freedoms. Right now, our freedom
needs defending not from the “Axis of Evil” but
from our own government. Whether our government means well or
not by taking away our freedoms, it is our duty as Americans
to oppose any actions designed to take away our freedom, even
if that means we are less safe from terrorists. It is a sacrifice
all patriots can and should be willing to make. If we don’t
defend our freedoms at home, who will?