
Peace on parade

Cities across the United States and countries throughout the world came together last Saturday to protest a possible U.S.-led attack against Iraq. More than 375,000 people flooded the streets of New York City while other cities including Chicago, Los Angeles and even Juneau, Alaska, also held peaceful demonstrations. In Durango an anti-war rally, organized by local peace and anti-war groups, the
Southwest Colorado Peace & Justice Coalition and People of Conscience, was held at Rotary Park on Saturday morning. The rally, which was attended by several hundred people, was followed by a march down Main Avenue.

(mouse over photos for captions)

Anti-war signs, which were on sale for $3, were a poplular item among rally-goers.

Also on sale at the rally were bumper stickers buttons, and baked goods, with proceeds going to further regional peace efforts.

Adrian Sagan commits his name to ink and signs the banner for peace.


Greg Rossell shows his opposition to President George Bush with a life-sized effigy of the commander-in-chief.

Corri Vigil, of Mancos, holds a sign displaying a quote from Edward Abbey as she listens to speeches at the pre-march rally held at Rotary Park.

Stevonna Chavez looks for a name on the community peace banner in Rotary Park.

After the demonstration, the crowd began its march through downtown.   The event was the second major anti-war demonstration held in Durango in the last five months.





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