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look at jugs
Dear Editors:
Angry, intolerant, pro-censorship socialist-feminists have already
commandeered American education; they’ve hijacked news
and entertainment media; they exert undue influence in legislation
and law enforcement; indeed, they’re slowly transforming
the country into an oppressive, politically correct, feminist
police state.
Having conquered the aforesaid institutions,
they now seek to dictate thought, infringe on Americans’
First Amendment rights, invade American businesses and censor
those who don’t support their vision of an emasculated,
androgynous political utopia.
In her “Soapbox” letter last week,
Durangoan Beth Christie inveighs against politically incorrect
signs and advertising campaigns, singling out Durango’s
Jugs and Hardtails and Farmington’s Three Rivers Brewery
for a particularly virulent dose of feminist vitriol.
The plain truth, of course, is that “jugs”
refer to fuel cans, fuel tanks and a plethora of other motorcycle
parts, and “hardtails” are a type of motorcycle
frame. A hypersensitive feminist can easily find something offensive
in these words, but a hypersensitive feminist can easily find
something offensive and politically incorrect in any text, message
or sign. And when they discover the inevitable slight, they
invariably demand that it be censored or rallied against.
Three Rivers Brewery is a bar, and bars are businesses
that cater to patrons who are older than 21. Bar ads have traditionally
used references to sexuality and good, clean, adult fun in order
to sell beer and encourage patronage. It’s not “sexist,”
as Christie asserts; it’s good business and adroit advertising,
and in my experience as many women as men patronize Three Rivers,
and I’ve never heard it termed “sexist.” Indeed,
the word “sexist” itself is merely a political catchphrase
that feminists are taught to utilize every time they encounter
something that seems “politically incorrect” by
their and their mentors’ intolerant standards. Indeed,
overuse of words like “sexist” and “misogynist”
have rendered them ineffectual and negated their efficacy and
original meanings.
Angry feminists should cease their hypersensitivity
and begin to regard ads and texts as rhetorical vehicles and
works of art, not as excuses to promote censorship.
If present trends continue, any text, word, phrase
or semiotic that doesn’t endorse the feminist political
agenda will be suppressed by the omnipresent feminist old-girl
network; the First Amendment will become an obsolete curiosity;
and anything that smacks of maleness will be vituperated against
or made verboten.
At the conclusion of her vituperation, Christie
admonishes readers to contact Three Rivers Brewery and complain
to the owner. A more appropriate response to Three Rivers’
ads and the Jugs and Hardtails’ sign might be to stay
out of bars and Harley Davidson shops if women’s bodies,
allusions to female sexuality and males’ natural adoration
of women’s bodies offend you.
And taking one’s children to a business
with the word “Brewery” in its name is never a good