With Santa on his way, The Telegraph asked: “How did you find out the truth about Santa?"
Joe Davidson

“I demanded that Santa make a Super-Nintendo 16-bit game for the
8-bit Nintendo platform to prove he wasn’t real. I didn’t get the game.”

Lech Usinowicz
“My mom misspelled my name on a Christmas present. I said, ‘Santa misspelled my name,’ and she started crying.”

Ryder Okumura
“When I was 5 or 6, this dude showed up at our door dressed like Santa Claus, and it wasn’t him.”

Sarah Gjere

“One friend said his parents told him Santa wasn't real. After that it
was still fun to believe in him
just a little harder to do.”

Carrie Wolvin
“A neighbor girl who was a few
years older ... told me he wasn’t real.
I still resent her for that.”





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