Dear Diver,

You’re so good at giving out advice, what’s the best advice anyone has given you?


via e-mail


The best and only advice you ever need is “When in doubt, whip it out!”

– Thanks,



Are “The Clapper” or a “Chia Pet” legitimate holiday gifts? I know it’s all about the giving, but I know people want product with a price tag. What do you think?

– Cicely,



The Clapper or a Chia Pet would not be legitimate in my house. I advise the Foreman Grill, Oxyclean or the Abforce. If you are worried about price tags, I heard the Bowflex is inexpensive.

– Happy shopping,



Dear Diver,

My mother has a lot of “helpful” opinions about how to raise my son, who is seven. When I disagree with her, she’ll say something like, “Well I did a pretty good job with you, so I guess I know what I’m talking about.” How do I argue with that?


via e-mail


It is never a good idea to argue with Mom. But if you don’t want your son growing up a to be a Nancy, don’t take too much advice from Grandma. I suggest you keep laying on the whippings when he is insolent.

– Good luck,


Encore Diver: Steve Gould of Cuckoos

Facts: We have the facts, but the truth is, third time’s a charm for this re-repeat diver.

Dan Groth from the Buzz House


Got a dirty little secret?
Looking for guidance to remedy a sticky situation?

Seek help from the master of the kitchen! The Dish Diver has solutions to life's little messes. Send your problems to "Ask the Diver." - By mail to Durango Telegraph - Attn Diver -534 Main Ave., Durango, CO 81301; by email at, or by fax at 259-0448.

Dear Diver,

I just found out my fiance has been cheating on me. Knowledge of this has left me feeling hurt, dejected and downright awful. My days alternate between self pity and complete rage and anger. Bottom line is, I’m going to do something drastic, something I may regret. What the hell did I do to ever deserve this? Tell me something comical that will alleviate these feelings.

– Down and out and angry in town

Dear Mr. Angry,

There must be a reason for her to cheat. Are you pulling down the Benjamin’s? Has your Viagra prescription run dry? Or are you just casting a larger shadow nowadays? Don’t do anything drastic, Mr. Angry, for you have just received the best Christmas present of all, a license to go find your own “mistress for Christmas.”

– Happy revenge,



I notice a lot of questions sent to the Diver make references to pop culture, music, movies and things like that. Are you all geeks?

– Jan,



Well, that’s a tough one. I may be the least qualified in the pop culture knowledge, as my favorite TV show is “The A Team” and my favorite band is Warrant. As far as being geeks, if you call being up to your armpits in a sink full of slop on a nightly basis geeklike, so be it.





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