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for at-risk wildlife
To the editors and Telegraph readers,
This letter is for everyone who, like us, felt so badly for
the hungry bears that were having such a hard time this summer.
We had an experience with a very small bear that frequented
our yard in the county. It was through our efforts to help this
motherless waif that we discovered two great wildlife rehab
programs in our area. Both are run voluntarily and rely on donations
to care for the lucky animals that make it into their centers.
They take in injured and orphaned wildlife of all varieties
and care for them until they are strong enough to be released
back into the wild. One place is the Montelores Wildlife Rehab
in Dolores. Its address is: 14273 C.R. 27, Dolores, CO 81232.
The other is the Frisco Creek Wildlife Rehab in Del Norte. This
is where the Division of Wildlife takes the orphaned cubs from
Durango and is where our lucky little malnourished bear is spending
the winter, with more than 40 other small bears, before returning
to the forest next spring. Its address is: P.O. Box 488, Del
Norte, CO 81132
If you would like to help out the underprivileged wildlife in
a meaningful way, please keep these worthy places in mind during
the season of giving.
– Robin Fritch and Stephen Saltsman,
via e-mail