wants restaurants to cut back on grease in sewer
Jackson, Wyo.—Grease is a problem in the sewer pipes of
Jackson, causing blockages that can prevent drains and toilets
from doing their jobs. It also collects in the town’s
wastewater treatment plant.
In 1999, the town banned dumping grease down drains, asking
people to instead wipe pots, pans, and plates before washing
them. The town’s 105 restaurants are the larger problems
as the service lines in commercial areas must be cleaned four
times as frequently as residential areas.
The Jackson Hole News (Oct. 16) reports that the town is considering
creating a board of health, to better enforce the law. Actions
against noncomplying restaurants might include closure, water
shut off or tickets.
Big box retailers booming
in mountain towns
Park City, Utah—Wild Oats has signed a letter of intent
to open a store at Kimball Junction, near Park City in Utah’s
Summit County. The health food chain, which specializes in organic
food, joins Barnes & Noble, Bed Bath & Beyond, and a
movie complex. The store will be nearly 26,000 square feet.
The Park City area already has three health food or vitamin
Elsewhere in unincorporated Summit County, Albertsons seems
to be finagling its way past a cap on commercial buildings of
40,000 square feet. The grocery store and pharmacy, together
52,000 square feet, will be split into two. The project seems
to be coming along with the consent of both county planners
and the county commissioners – but over the wishes of
the Planning Commission, according to a report in The Park Record
(Oct. 19-22).
Meanwhile, in Colorado’s Summit County, which is also
bulging with bigger-box retailers, the Borders bookstore is
getting a variance on signs. It expects to be open by this winter,
says the Summit Daily News.
Perhaps not incidentally, both Summit counties are bisected
by interstate highways and are within about an hour of major
Breck gets into more trouble
when innkeeper finds stash
Breckenridge —First Vail Resorts ran into trouble with
its magazine ads targeting young snowboarders in their early
20s. “The hill may dominate you. But the town will still
be your bitch,” said one, referring to the town’s
nightlife. “Each night, a chance to earn your balls back,”
said another.
Roger McCarthy, Vail’s chief operations officer at Breckenridge,
stepped back from that controversy, pulling the ads after widespread
complaints that the language as well as the message were improper.
Then, just a few weeks later, he was hit by another controversy
when a Breckenridge innkeeper came across a Web site with the
following text: “At Breckenridge, everyone has a stash.
And if you’re lucky, you might just get someone to reveal
their line to you.” The material goes on to talk about
a “hit in the park,” a mountain so vast that both
skiers and snowboarders can “find what they crave. What
they crave is the Breckenridge fix. They crave their own snowy
The Web site was designed by Resort Technology Partners, an
Internet company in which Vail Resorts has a 50 percent stake,
reports the Summit Daily News (Oct. 15). The innkeeper, Niki
Harris, said the language uses drug lingo.
Ski area CEO McCarthy pulled the Web site language, but not
happily so. “I guess we’ve got to produce some pabulum
to keep everyone happy,” he told the newspaper.
Study finds snowboard use
grew more slowly last year
Denver—Snowboard participation at U.S. resorts continues
to grow but more slowly than it has. Minorities continue to
be underrepresented. And, in appealing to beginners, ski areas
can get females as easily as males, but they just can’t
get females to return as easily.
These are among the findings of two surveys reported in the
National Ski Areas Association Journal (October/November). Both
studies are done by RRC Associates, a Boulder-based research
According to the Kottke National End of Season Survey, last
winter’s 54.4 million skier/snowboarders were third highest
on record, but down 5.1 percent from the previous winter. Only
the Pacific West reported an increase, and, not coincidentally,
it was the only area of the country reporting improved snowfall.
The figures are based on data from slightly less than half of
the nation’s 493 operating ski areas.
Another report, the National Demographic Study, found that snowboards
accounted for 29.2 percent of total resort visits last winter,
up only 1.5 percent from the previous season. As such, the growth
rate for snowboard participation is growing more slowly than
in the past.
Summit official proposes
doing away with towns
Summit County—Former county sheriff and former Republican
Party member Gary Lindstrom is seeking re-election as a county
commissioner, his pony tail in full bloom. He seems to be a
Speaking at a recent debate, Lindstrom said he’d like
to see the municipalities disincorporate. He believes such things
as police protection could be provided more cheaply and, at
the very least, the financial tug-of-war between the towns would
“The city and county of Summit – that’s definitely
what we need to stop this stupid competing between towns,”
he said.
Summit, one of Colorado’s smaller counties, has six municipalities.
Several of the towns have been vying against one another for
grocery stores, discount stores and other generators of sales
Agreeing with his opponent, Green candidate Justin McCarthy,
Lindstrom also called for an end to the War on Drugs. “I
was a police officer for 31 years, and I think the war on drugs
is lost,” he said. “I think we ought to decriminalize
all drugs and tax the hell out of it. Can you imagine if we
could use that money (spent on drug law enforcement) to help
people? It’s a shame what we’re doing.”
Stump sculptor removes
beards from his creations
Hoosier Pass—Is the infamy of Osama bin Laden causing
beards to become less popular? It would appear so from the actions
of a tree-sculptor Bob Ensign.
Ensign lives in Alma, which has the dubious distinction of being
the highest incorporated town in the United States, separated
by about 20 miles and one mountain pass from Breckenridge. Many
people from Alma, including Ensign, commute across that pass
into Summit County. Some years ago, the pass was ornamented
with wire sculptures called Wire Men.
Several years ago, Ensign came up with the idea of carving faces
in logs along the pass. He has carved the faces, called “YardBobs
or “HoosierDaddies,” on 32 logs, and erected them
along the highway to amuse other commuters. They were definitely
noticed – quite a few of them were taken, to the disappointment
of Ensign.
Ensign’s first log faces had beards, but he decided they
looked too much like Osama bin Laden. “I shaved my beard
off, and started carving the recent ones without beards, too,”
he told the Summit Daily News.
Can you tell the Democrat
from the Republican here?
Summit County, Utah—Speaking at a recent candidates’
forum were two candidates, one a Republican and the other a
Democrat. Can you tell which one is which from an account carried
in The Park Record (Oct. 19-22):
“People should be able to do with their property pretty
much what they need to do,” said Merlyn Johnson.
“You will never see development that breaks the ridgeline
again,” said Bob Richter.
“I’m for open space, but open space needs to be
used,” said Merlyn Johnson.
– compiled by Allen Best