Catalyst's Last Show
Images of Fire @ Open Shutter
Contra Dance
Roots rock band the Lonesome
Nobody Boys plays at Storyville, 1150
Main Ave., at 9 p.m. 259-1475 for
more info.
Studio 54 Ladies Night takes place at
Scoot n’ Blues, 900 Main Ave., beginning
at 11 p.m. 259-1400 for more
Win Wright plays original and classic
funky rock at Christina’s Grill and Bar,
3416 N. Main Ave. 382-3844 for more
Haggard’s Black Dog Tavern hosts
Canyon Dog Jam, an open bluegrass
jam, 10 miles east of Durango on
Florida Road, 259-5657 for more info.
Jam band Catalyst plays a final encore
performance at the Summit, 600 Main
Ave., at 9:30 p.m. 247-2324 for more
The Soul Deacons jam at Scoot n’
Blues, 900 Main Ave., 259-1400 for
more information.
Jeff Solon plays jazz at the Cyprus Café,
725 East Second Ave. from 6 to 8:30
p.m. 385-6884 for more info.
Steamworks, 801 East Second Ave., celebrates
its sixth anniversary with a free
concert from the Latin jazz band
Samurai Sword Testing. 259-9200.
The Sara Hendrix Band plays
Storyville, 1150 Main Ave., with special
guests The Wild Blooms, from Austin,
Texas, at 9:30 p.m. 259-1475 for more
Brian Carter plays jazz guitar and
piano at Christina’s Grill and Bar, 3416
N. Main Ave., 382-3844 for more info.
The High Rollers play the Wild Horse
Saloon, 601 East Second Ave. 375-2568
for more info.
Resort will host
the San Juan
Brewfest and Purgatory Chili
Cook-off. More
than 20 breweries from the
Front Range to
the Four
Corners will get
together at the
base area tent
for a day of
beer, live music
and food. 385-
2149 for info.
Dem Tangs
plays funk at
the Summit,
600 Main Ave.,
at 9:30 p.m.
247-2324 for
more info.
The San Juan Mountains Association
and Durango Nature Studies host a free
“Weed Walk” from 10 a.m. to noon at
Lemon Reservoir. Participants will learn
noxious weed identification and tips for
weed control. Meet at the north parking
area near the restrooms just 1.5
miles south of Transfer Park campground.
382-9244 for more info or to
Reggae band Bredren plays the
Storyville Stage, 1150 Main Ave., at 10
p.m. 259-1475 for more info.
Jymeo and the Extended Family play
afro-carib-world-dance music at
Haggard’s Black Dog Tavern, 10 miles
east of Durango on Florida Road. 259-
5657 for more info.
The High Rollers play the Wild Horse
Saloon, 601 East Second Ave. 375-2568
for more info.
The Soul Deacons jam at Scoot n’
Blues, 900 Main Ave. 259-1400 for
more information.
Steamworks, 801 East Second Ave.,
hosts a Welcome Back Luau Party for
Fort Lewis students with DJs Ethos and
Brian Ess. 259-9200 for more info.
Dean Murphy and Kevin Blaum play
rockin’, swingin’ blues at Christina’s
Grill and Bar, 3416 N. Main Ave. 382-
3844 for more info.
San Francisco’s Om Trio plays rock and funk Reggae at Storyville, 1150 Main Ave. 259-1475 for more info.
The Brad Tarpley Trio brings jazz to Scoot n’ Blues, 900 Main Ave., 259-1400 for more information.
Pongas hosts a nine-ball, handicap tournament at 1 p.m. at 121 W. Eighth St. Call
382-8554 for more information
Pongas, 121 W. Eighth St., hosts a nine-ball tournament with $100 added to total purse at 7 p.m. Call 382-8554 for more information
Terry Rickard plays classics at El Patio, 600 Main Ave.
Durango Dot Comedy brings improv comedy to Scoot n’ Blues, 900 Main Ave., 259-1400 for more information.
Pongas, 121 W. Eighth St., presents a scotch doubles pool tournament at 7 p.m. Call 382-8554 for more information
The Legends of Karaoke take the stage at Scoot n’ Blues, 900 Main Ave., at 7 p.m. 259-1400 for more info.
The Gourds, “music for the unwashed and well read,” play Storyville, 1150 Main Ave. 259-1475 for more info.
A professional clarinet quartet from the United States Air Force Band of the Rockies will present "Solar Winds," a free concert, at the FLC Community Concert Hall. 247-7657 for more info.
Mark Curran plays folk classics on guitar at Christina’s Grill and Bar, 3416 N. Main Ave., 382-3844 for more info.
La Plata county will be holding a 9-11 dedication memorial service at 5:30 p.m. at the La Plata County Fairgrounds with County Commissioner Josh Joswick officiating. Two blue spruces will be planted as a memorial to the victims and families affected by the events of Sept. 11, 2001.
The Diamond Circle Theatre, 699 Main Ave., presents Louis Lamour’s “The One for the Mohave Kid,” an Old Time Radio Show on stage. The play runs through Sept. 21, Mondays through Saturdays, at 7:45 p.m. The radio show is followed by “Fascinating Rhythm,” a revue featuring the songs and humor of George Gershwin. 247-3400 for more info.
The Durango Arts Center hosts Fort Lewis College Professor Emeritus Stanton Englehart’s creative work in a thematic presentation. Painting, drawing and collage spanning Englehart’s 50-year career will be on display through Sept. 28. Call 259-2606 for more info.
Fort Lewis College’s Center for Southwest Studies hosts the Navajo weaving exhibit “Generations” and a collection of New Deal color public art entitled “A New Deal is Still a Good Deal” through Sept. 29. The gallery’s hours are 1 to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and by appointment. Call 247-7456.
The Durango Nature Center will be open this fall for hikes, picnics, birdwatching, and nature photography. A free naturalist-led walk is offered on Saturdays at 11 a.m. The Durango Nature Center is 13.5 miles south of Durango and is open Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call the Durango Nature Studies office, 382-9244, for more information.
Animas Conservancy and Friends of the Animas River will present “Bluegrass for the Animas: A day of live bluegrass music to protect, preserve and celebrate the Animas River watershed” on from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14 on the 120-acre Animas Meanders Ranch just north of 32nd Street. All proceeds will benefit Animas Conservancy and Friends of the Animas River, nonprofit organizations dedicated to the preservation of the Animas Region.
Advance tickets are available at Southwest Sound and Canyon Music and are $20 for adults, $10 for students and free for kids 12 and younger. Call Tami Graham, 259-0522, for more info.
Classic rockers Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks bring tight, swinging strings and quirky lyrics to the FLC Community Concert Hall on Wednesday, Sept. 18. 247-7657 for more info.
Images of Fire
Open Shutter Gallery,
755 East Second Ave., 
Friday - Sept. 28
The Open Shutter gallery presents an exhibit beginning Friday, Sept. 6, entitled: “Images of Fire: Photographs of the Historic 2002 Durango Wildfires.” The show will be a benefit for Durango Helping Hands, a nonprofit organization created in response to the fires that provides ongoing assistance for fire and flood victims.
The exhibit will feature the works of several local and regional photographers, including photojournalists from The Durango Herald and Denver Post. The images have been provided by the photographers at little or no cost in order to maximize proceeds for Durango Helping Hands.
Join the Open Shutter Gallery, Durango Helping Hands and the photographers at the benefit reception, Friday, Sept. 6, from 5 to 8 p.m. 382-8355 for more info.
Final performance,
The Summit, 600 Main Ave.
Friday, Sept. 6, 9:30 p.m.
The hearts of Durango jam-band junkies
will be heavy with the news that their
beloved local groove group, Catalyst, is
disbanding. Apparently, the six-member
band’s bass player has taken an invitation
to tour with a signed band, so
Catalyst as we know it will soon become a thing of the past. But the good
news is, the group plans one last blow-out for its Durango fans, treating them
to its signature brand of reggae-, jazz- and Latin-infused rock, with a little
bluegrass mixed in.
In the meantime, word on the street is the band will be reincarnated as
BPE. Stay tuned.
Contra Dance
Saturday, Sept. 7, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.
Park Elementary School, 623 E. Fifth St.
Durango’s September Contra Dance will include a pre-dance picnic at the park adjoining Park Elementary at 6 p.m., with socializing and discussion of how the dance in organized. Bring your own picnic. There will be watermelon to share.
Beginning Contra Dance instruction will start at 7 p.m. and dancing will take place from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. The band Metronome from Los Alamos, N.M., will provide live music and Santa Fe’s Richard Wilson will be the caller. The cost of the dance is $6 for adults and $5 for Durango Arts Center members and students.
The smoke- and alcohol-free dances are a project of the DAC with support from the Durango Friends of the Arts. 259-6820 for more info.
Saturday, Sept. 7,
Durango Arts Center
Fruit, an internationally acclaimed five-piece band from Adelaide, South Australia, that combines the elements of melodic pop, acoustic folk and electric rock will be bringing its unique sound to Durango Saturday night for a benefit for KDUR and the Durango Farmer’s Market.
Fronted by three singing women - two wielding electric and acoustic guitars and one commanding an arsenal of horns - and backed by a tight rhythm section, the band has toured continuously over the last three years to a wide demographics in North America, South America, Canada, the UK, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand and Australia. The band has proven its adaptability playing folk festivals, including the Silverton Jubilee, world music festivals, commercial music and cabaret festivals.
Juice Magazine credited Fruit with “graceful Harmonies, vibrant energetic tunes and exquisite, imaginative musicianship."
Tickets are $15 and available at KDUR, the Farmers’ Market, the Durango Arts Center and Maria’s Bookshop.